Le Vauban 2

Le Vauban 2
A resolutely Version Française theater, in a steadfastly VF town. Le Vauban 1 doesn’t even say if the film is VF, because it just is going to be. Le Vauban 2 at least occasionally shows art films, which I get to see in English. The fact that art films are terrible is not their fault. Though it has more snacks than say The Rennes Arvor, it does so only by having a vending machine. Being in a library means also that the cinema is open in the morning, closed, as all things in Brittany are, for lunch, than re-opened after 14h. You have been forewarned, person coming to Ille et Vilaine to see movies in English.
If you do, clean, good sight lines and some neat lighting fixtures. Which are probably just industrial crap, but I’m not from around here, so it’s exotic!