The Mann's Chinese

The Mann's Chinese
Surely the greatest of the big theaters, possibly in the world. The screen was enormous, so big, in fact, that even I wouldn’t sit in the front row. It was also, before the 2004 re-model, beautifully originally, with massive ridiculous concrete columns blocking the views from the side, and a run-down concession. Moving the concession stand back, while expensive, also limited the number of the seats. So way to go whoever owns it now.
Rumors are that the balcony was converted into a private screening area for types way cooler than I to watch, I guess the audience. This is fair enough, because there is no better, or louder, place to see a horror film. Yes, there’s footprints outside. Ooh. See a goddamned movie, jerk.
This does not apply to the additional 6 added when the Hollywood/Highland complex was added as well, though I’ve seen my share of movies in the confusing maze redolent of formaldehyde. It does, however, include the ridiculous 1970s chinoiserie square box of the Mann’s Chinese 2, where one would run back and forth, never sure which theater your ticket was good for. Showgirls was seen there, and the line ‘This is greatest movie. I have ever seen. In my entire life.’ was immortalized.