
He Killed Him! Yay!

A perfectly acceptable way to spend two hours in a day in a week with no other VO releases. Jeez, it’s like I’m living in France.
Not bad, though given the subject (a R-rated big-budget comic book movie), one wishes that it was more. Certainly the jokes, but the violence wasn’t quite violent enough, which is not something you’re going to hear me say often.

Hello and welcome to the stub section. It is mostly to prove that it takes more time to scan the tickets, upload them, code all the pretty numbers and so on than it would to write something cogent. What that in turn proves, I can’t say.
Pluses, which would normally be going in the take column, but this is the section where I write without thinking: Mr. Reynolds (still doing the honorifics though), and Ms. Baccarin acquit themselves well, and you know, the romance works as a hook. Yes, she’s hostage, but she ain’t a whiner. This matters. Other plus, they made it. Other plus, people liked it. Yet another, it wasn’t obscenely serious. More like same but better.
End Notes Because Now You Get To See What’s Going on in My Head
I had a good time, not quite violent or sweary or boobie enough. I do like that he killed the bad guy in the end, it feels like a nice coda to all those irritating glass prison endings we’re so used in superhero films. Spoiled only by my slight awareness of the Deadpool character and his slightly more anarchic nature. The lesson is never read. Not even comic books.
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